Unity URP 2023 Release-Notes

news/2024/5/2 22:45:06

🌈Unity URP 2023 Release-Notes


2023.2.13URP: Ensure motion vector depth buffer is valid for cameras with motion vectors enabled.(UUM-61466)
2023.2.2Universal RP: URP: Fixed an issue where screen space decals miscalculated ambient lighting.(UUM-47142)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed an issue that partially corrupted display on Android if Vulkan Display Rotation was enabled during rendering.(UUM-48569)
2023.2.0URP: Added support for foveated rendering in the Forward+ rendering path.
2023.2.0URP: Added Volume Profile to Universal Render Pipeline Asset.
2023.2.0URP: Added HDR Output override per camera.
2023.2.0URP: Improved URP main thread usage in XR.
2023.2.0URP: Introduced a “stripping” system that allows you to specify which render pipeline graphics settings (IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettings) go into a build.
2023.2.0URP: Added: XR occlusionMesh scaling, occlusionMesh enable/disable, mirroView mode setter for SRP XR.
2023.2.0URP: Added support for Vulkan URP to use MSAA samples count fallback in the Player Settings window. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to upgrade to x4.(UUM-741)
2023.2.0URP: Added vertex SH option to URP rendering and fixed HL2 forward light perf regression.(UUM-26824)
2023.2.0URP: Added workarounds for MSAA-specific visual artifacts on materials that use alpha clipping in unexpected ways.(UUM-26513)
2023.2.0URP: Enabled passes injected in RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingPostProcessing to execute before final blit and post-processing anti-aliasing effects rather than after, when using the Render Graph.
2023.2.0URP: Enabled stripping BlitHDROverlay from build if HDR output is not allowed and stripping unused shader is allowed.
2023.2.0URP: Fixed a bug with Light Layers not working correctly when Additional Lights are set to Per Vertex.(UUM-40810)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed a bug with the shadow mesh bounds of ShadowCaster2D so that shadows no longer disappear.(UUM-19090)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed a gbuffer resource leak in URP deferred.(UUM-26626)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed a LOD crossfade issue when rendered with BatchRendererGroup.
2023.2.0URP: Fixed a null exception when adding a sorting layer.(UUM-29492)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed a situation where the Color Grading Mode of one camera in a multi-camera scene could clamp the output to Low Dynamic Range, even though the output should be High Dynamic Range. URP only.(UUM-41948)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed an issue that caused some segements and corners of sprite shape shadows to not render correctly.(UUM-18513)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed an issue that cuase the Screen space Overlay UI to render at the wrong size for scaling mode Constant Pixel Size or Constant Physical Size, when HDR output is active.(UUM-36231)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed an issue that partially corrupted display on Android if Vulkan Display Rotation was enabled during rendering.(UUM-48569)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed an issue where a redundant blit related to post-processing was used when post-processing was disabled through the cameraData object.(UUM-31474)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed an issue where the ShadowShape2DProvider_Collider would improperly use a Rigidbody2D to track a collider.(UUM-34315)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed an issue with releasing when it was releasing unnecessary Render Targets when using multiple cameras with different Renderer Assets.(UUM-25186)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed camera stacking causing a blackscreen and RG null pointer exception error.(UUM-27339)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed GC.Allocs with sorting layers in Light2D.(UUM-1929)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed HDR Debug Views without antialiasing, with Render Graph and with passes injected in RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingPostProcessing.
2023.2.0URP: Fixed incorrect MSAA sample count when using Deferred renderer and rendering to a target texture.(UUM-31113)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed increased overhead from profiling code in URP.(UUM-30143)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed light batching with Rendergraph2D passes.(UUM-23153)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed NullReferenceException being thrown when opening Light Explorer with 2D Lights.(UUM-19576)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed ShaderGraph preview window displaying a blank window when using DepthNormals pass.(UUM-31643)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed the 2D Sprite Light & Freeform Light fast normal map quality setting to correctly use the normal map.(UUM-4613)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed the debug rendering overlay not being rendered when FinalBlit pass is in use.(UUM-22320)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed the HDR output so it is no longer overly saturated because of a Color Grading variant not included in builds.(UUM-27503)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed uninitialized SpriteProps in CanvasRenderer for 2D.(UUM-18389)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed URP and core package leaking materials when entering and exiting Play Mode.(UUM-27587)
2023.2.0URP: Fixed volume and volume profile help URLs.
2023.2.0URP: Fixed XR vsync so it stays enabled when the focus is lost.(UUM-16846)
2023.2.0URP: Prevented HDR output from being too saturated by default when a camera doesn’t have the additional camera data yet.
2023.2.0URP: Removed an extra draw call that happened in 2D projects when the Foremost Sorting Layer property is enabled.(UUM-37441)
2023.2.0URP: Removed serialization and cache vertices and indices for sprite lights causing bloat in prefabs for 2D.(UUM-33700)
2023.1.20URP: Fixed partially corrupted Android screen when Vulkan display rotation during rendering is enabled.(UUM-48569)
2023.1.17URP: Vulkan URP will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to upgrade to x4.(UUM-741)
2023.1.15URP: Fixed visible outline when composited ShadowCaster2Ds with transparency overlap.(UUM-38076)
2023.1.13URP: Fixed per-vertex light layers.(UUM-40810)
2023.1.5URP: 2D - Fix additional draw call when Foremost Sorting Layer is enabled during unlit.(UUM-37441)
2023.1.3URP: Fixed Screen space Overlay UI rendered at the wrong size for scaling mode “Constant Pixel Size” or “Constant Physical Size”, when HDR output is active.(UUM-36231)
2023.1.1URP: Fixed redundant blit is used due to postFX, although it is disabled in rendererData.(UUM-31474)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed incorrect MSAA sample count when using Deferred renderer but rendering to a target texture.(UUM-31113)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed ShaderGraph preview window not showing anything when using DepthNormals pass.(UUM-31643)
2023.1.0URP: Added AO Method dropdown for SSAO to select Interleaved Gradient Noise or Blue Noise.
2023.1.0URP: Added Blur Quality dropdown for SSAO to select High (Bilateral), Medium (Gaussian), or Low (Single-Pass Kawase).
2023.1.0URP: Added clustered reflection probe support to the URP Forward+ rendering path. This enables the use of more than two reflection probes per object, allows Unity to skip per-object culling of lights and reflection probes, and enables Entities Graphics and procedural draws to make use of reflection probes.
2023.1.0URP: Added Custom Post Processing (zero code path) feature in URP.
2023.1.0URP: Added Decal support to Render Graph.
2023.1.0URP: Added falloff field for SSAO to control the distance from the camera that the AO should affect.
2023.1.0URP: Added RenderGraph support to URP postFX.
2023.1.0URP: Added shadow interoperability with Sprite, Colliders, SpriteShape, and 2D Animation.
2023.1.0URP: Added soft shadow rendering. Shadow softness can be set on shadow casting Light2Ds.
2023.1.0URP: Added HDR Output override per camera.
2023.1.0URP: Downsampling will now not only affect the AO pass but also the blur passes.
2023.1.0URP: Improved Depth test to avoid incorrectly adding AO in places where two objects are far away from one another.
2023.1.0URP: Improved shadow atlas building performance when there are a lot of lights.
2023.1.0URP: Improved the name for Dynamic Resolution property.
2023.1.0URP: Tooltips improvement.
2023.1.0URP: Added: Added light cookies stripping.
2023.1.0URP: Added: Exposed xrPass to public so that URP users could leverage Core XRSystem API to script XR rendering.
2023.1.0URP: Obsoleted: RenderSingleCamera is now obsolete. Please use RenderPipeline.SubmitRenderRequest with RequestData of the SingleCameraRequest type.Graphics: Camera.SubmitRenderRequests is now obsolete. Please use RenderPipeline.SubmitRenderRequest with RequestData of a supported type such as RenderPipeline.StandardRequest.
2023.1.0URP: Changed light and decal layers to rendering layers.
2023.1.0URP: Changed the samples field to a dropdown: High (12 samples), Medium (8 samples) and Low (4 samples).
2023.1.0URP: Changed the the final After Opaque passes to be merged with the last blur pass.
2023.1.0URP: Deprecated ScriptableRenderPipelineExtensionAttributeand LightingExplorerExtensionAttribute.
2023.1.0URP: Disabled HDRP Global Settings when HDRP is not active.
2023.1.0URP: Disabled support for using Depth32Stencil8 format on Android due to crashes.
2023.1.0URP: Foveated Rendering is now integrated in URP for supported platforms.
2023.1.0URP: Improved motion vector pass. It should now use the same matrices as the Lit shader.
2023.1.0URP: Replaced CustomEditorForRenderPipeline and VolumeComponentMenuForRenderPipeline with separate attributes.
2023.1.0URP: 2D - Remove serialization and cache vertices and indices for sprite lights causing bloat in prefabs.(UUM-33700)
2023.1.0URP: Added vertex SH option to URP rendering and fixed HL2 forward light perf regression.(UUM-26824)
2023.1.0URP: Display Stats is now always shown in the first position on the Rendering Debugger.(UUM-10698)
2023.1.0URP: Enabled Global Settings to always upgrade when opening an old URP project.
2023.1.0URP: Fixed a bug with ShadowCaster2D’s shadow mesh bounds which was causing shadows to disappear.(UUM-19090)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed a case where TAA was flickering in XR.
2023.1.0URP: Fixed a Gizmo and grid artifact in the editor view.(UUM-2299)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed a wireframe view issue in URP.(UUM-2548)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed alpha discard on Unlit Sprite targets for Shadergraph.(UUM-6998)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed an issue that the Shaders now correctly fallback to error shader.(UUM-1417)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed an issue where camera UI inspector’s clearFlag was not respected.(1422234)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed an issue where the material upgrader was showing up when the URP package was being installed.(UUM-2434)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed an issue where the Universal Renderer could incorrectly clear the render target during the forward opaques pass even if the render target contains valid rendering data produced by a pass that ran before opaque rendering.(ARFB-190)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed an issue with 2D Spot Light artifacts in light.(UUM-7839)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed decals to pass correct viewDirectionWS to screen space and gbuffer lighting.
2023.1.0URP: Fixed decals to produce correct world to tangent matrix.(1399425)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed GC.Allocs with sorting layers in Light2D.(UUM-1929)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed Gizmos in Game View when using Viewports.(UUM-7069)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed incorrect MSAA sample count when using Deferred renderer but rendering to a target texture.(UUM-31113)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed instacing error when decals loaded, but not the decal shaders.
2023.1.0URP: Fixed issue where selecting the URP asset could break HDRP blitter when HDRP is the active pipeline.(UUM-2432)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed lens flare position and occlusion for all OpenGL APIs.(UUM-1076)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed missing Depth Copy texture in Scene view.(1431872)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed null exception when adding a sorting layer (2D).(UUM-29492)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed ShaderGraph preview window not showing anything when using DepthNormals pass.(UUM-31643)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed the TerrainLit shader so that mixed light baking now works with shadow mask.(UUM-3897)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed URP 2D - Fix Light2D upgrading issue with m_AlphaBlendOnOverlap property.(UUM-1845)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed URP 2D - incorrect output when post process is enabled.(UUM-5871)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed URP 2D - vertex color for sprite shapes.(UUM-1921)
2023.1.0URP: Fixed XR vsync is disabled when focus is lost.(UUM-16846)
2023.1.0URP: Stripped BlitHDROverlay from build if HDR output is not allowed and stripping unused shader is allowed.
2023.1.0URP: Updated the documentation to mention that the Screen Space decal technique does not support blending of normals when using the Deferred rendering path with Accurate G-Buffer Normals enabled. The Automatic decal technique now prefers the D-Buffer technique if Accurate G-Buffer Normals are enabled.(UUM-25204)




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